A smorgasbord of things to see and do occurring throughout the week. More awesome for your awesome.
Various Days at Various Locations
Using scientific proof and state-of-the-art multimedia techniques, Aaron James Draplin of the Draplin Design Co. delivers a suckerpunch of a talk that aims to provide bonafide proof of work, the highs and lows of a ferociously independent existence and a couple tall tales from his so-called career in the cutthroat world of contemporary graphic design.
Just a regular guy with a trajectory a little dirtier than yours, his talk is open to all oncomers brave enough to show up. If you are a youngster, you may find yourself inspired to attack your design future in a different way. If you are established, you may just leave feeling grateful you don’t have anything to do with him. Hard to say. One night only, Belfast!
Kickstarter is a funding platform for creative projects. Everything from films, games, and music to art, design, and technology. Kickstarter is full of ambitious, innovative, and imaginative projects that are brought to life through the direct support of others. Since it’s launch in 2009 over $350 million has been pledged by more than 2.5 million people, funding more than 30,000 creative projects.
Charles Adler, one of Kickstarter’s co-founders, will share the history of the platform, discuss the community and culture that’s grown around the site, and share ideas on the future of crowd-funding.
Making a very welcome return to the fringe programme, the 2nd Annual Build Craft Beer Festival is back—with an even greater selection of fine Irish microbrews. Local beer merchants Whitewater Brewery will be serving up a tantalizing selection of locally produced lagers, ales, blondes and stouts, and we’ll be debuting our very own limited-edition custom extra-special delicious Build Hop City Double IPA. Not to be missed.
Now a staple of the Build fringe programme, the Standardistas’ Open Book Exam is a pub quiz with a difference. Unlike the typical quiz, the Open Book Exam demands the use of iPhones, iPads, Androids—even Zunes—to avail of the internet’s wealth of knowledge, required to answer many of the formidable questions.
Played in teams of four, the exam will feature eight rounds of eight questions that cover a range of geek topics—and as with any event worth its salt, there will be plenty of beer and a host of impressive prizes!